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10 Tips for a Successful DIY Bathroom Renovation

If you’ve been planning to renovate your bathroom for a while now, there are many factors to consider such as time and financial status. Meanwhile, if you have enough time this summer, there are many ways you can do to reduce the cost of your bathroom renovation. One of which is to do it yourself. If you look at online resources, like YouTube, it’s easy to find individuals who successfully renovated their bathrooms. So, if you have the basic skills you can also try renovating your bathroom by yourself or with the help of some family members. In this article, we’ll give you some tips for successfully renovating your bathroom.

1. Plan the Project

Planning is the first step in any renovation project. Since you already have a base and a vision of what you want the bathroom to look like, planning can be your guide throughout the process. When planning, include your ideas on the materials, colour scheme, layout, and additional decor. In addition, other essential details such as the plumbing, electricity, and drains should be well-planned. You can use your existing bathroom layout as a guide on the spacing of the pipelines.

2. Set a Realistic Budget

Opting for a DIY bathroom project may or may not save you money. It depends on your capabilities and the materials you use. So, before choosing whether to hire professionals or do it yourself, your priority should be setting a realistic budget When doing so, you can start by searching for the average bathroom renovation costs. From there, you can work on allotting a specific budget for the various parts of your bathroom. This may include the budget for lighting, pipes, new fixtures, flooring, and paint.

3. Use the Right Tools and Materials

You won’t be able to renovate your bathroom successfully if you don’t have the right tools and materials. It’s great if you have existing tools, but if not, it’s recommended to borrow or rent instead of buying everything. Since you may be using these tools for one time only, buying them isn’t worth it, unless you’re going to sell them after or have them for rent. Meanwhile, when it comes to materials, try to order in bulk instead of buying them one at a time. Since everything’s already planned, the quantity of the materials needed is already pre-determined.

4. Prioritise Safety

Renovating your bathroom may seem to be a fun project but don’t forget to prioritise your safety. Aside from the tools and materials needed, don’t forget to secure safety gear. This includes dust masks, goggles, hard hats, gloves, and a first aid kit. Additionally, make sure that you have the skills to do each task before starting anything. For instance, if you don’t know anything about plumbing, hiring a professional is ideal. You can consult with your new home builders or past plumber for recommendations.

5. Careful with the Demolition

Once you’re done with the preparations, start with the demolition process. Keep in mind to turn off the water source and electricity before you start. Meanwhile, avoid damaging the foundation and base of the bathroom, and only remove necessary parts, like tiles, fixtures, and wall-mounted cabinets. If you’re planning to reuse some of the materials you removed, you can keep them clean, while properly dispose the things you no longer need.

6. Invest in High-quality Materials

Investing in high-quality materials is a must since bathroom renovation is rarely done. Besides, if you’re familiar with old houses, isn’t it amazing how the materials used in their bathrooms and kitchen are still working properly? Although some may have stains and signs of usage, their quality is top-of-the-line.

7. Look for Inspiration

Crafting projects, including a bathroom renovation require a design to follow along the way. Nowadays, it’s easy to look for online inspiration on Pinterest, Instagram, and YouTube. However, you don’t need to copy the exact design of your ideal bathroom. Instead, try to get inspiration from the designs you like, and create your version.

8. Take Your Time

As mentioned, whether you’re hiring professionals or doing it yourself, you should have enough time to allot while renovating. Thus, it’s not advisable to be in a rush. Besides, rushing the renovation process may lead to mistakes that you might regret later. For instance, if you don’t let the tiles dry for a few days before stepping on the floor, they might not align as you planned.

9. Hire Professionals (if necessary)

As mentioned, if there are parts of the bathroom renovation process you’re not familiar with, hiring professionals is a must. This may include the electrical, plumbing, and installation of lighting. You may consult with new home builders about the recommendations of the professionals.

10. Enjoy the Process

The last tip is to enjoy the process. Although bathroom renovation can be a bit overwhelming, enjoying the process can lessen the stress you may feel along the way from the planning to the finishing touches, giving yourself some time to appreciate your improvement can be fulfilling.

Final Thoughts

If it’s your first bathroom renovation, each part of the process can be daunting. From planning to adding the final decor, you should carefully accomplish them to achieve success.      


Aliana Baraquio writes for Worthington Homes, the new Home Builder in Sydney NSW who makes major life milestones happen and stays with you through thick and thin. You can also find her trying out new recipes for barbeque and other grilled meals in her free time.